The German branch von Kaas    

The eldest child og Jørgen (Joergen) Kaas (1617-1698) and, Anna Maria de Wetter was christened Johannes Iver Kaas (1644-1718), was born 1644 at Maartensdijk castle in Utrecht, Holland and died 1718 in Köln (now Germany).

As a second lieutenant Johannes Iver killed a fellow officer in a winehouse in København (Copenhagen) in 1671. Because of this he went in excile to Germany and Holland where he served in the Danish foreign forces. Then he served at the court of king Louis 14. in Paris. Here he also converted to the Catholic Church.

Later her served under the Kurfürst of Köln, where he advanced to colonel. He also was  a district governor  in the Köln county. Johannes Iver sent an application to return to Denmark, but this must probably have been denied.

Johannes Iver got married in 1682 to Franciska M C von Viermond  rom Köln, and their children were born there.


The Kaas branch were continued by their third son, Vilhelm Friedrich Wolfgang Kaas (1690-1768) who married  Agnes Dorothea von Borchers.

Their son, Augustus M J Kaas (1729-1803) was a chamberlain (Kammerherr) of Kurköln. He got married to Bernhardina M V von Preising.

Bernhardinas mother, Francisca von Althaus, was the last of her baron family. Through his wife, Augustus Kaas "inherited" their barony in addition to his own. His title became "Freiherr zu Herzhaus und Althaus". Both baronies were located in Nordwalde bei Münster, Westfalen.

Augustus and Bernhardina had 10 (known) children. Only their son Clemens August  M J Kaas continued the Kaas branch.


Johannes Iver's great-grandson Clemens August von Kaas (1759-1832) was "Oberforstmeister" (chief forester - a sort of property administrator) to the Count of Schaumburg-Lippe. 57 years of age the count, whose first marriage was childless, married the 19 year old princess Juliane of Hessen-Philippsthal (1761-1799) who gave birth to  three daughters and one son (Georg Wilhelm graf zu Schaumburg-Lippe). The count of Schaumburg-Lippe died after seven years of marriage in 1787.

The duchess afterwards had a relationship, claimed to be a "morganatic" marriage, to Clemens August von Kaas. During her son's minority duchess Juliane was the regent of Schaumburg-Lippe Short after the duke's death, the state was occupied militarily by the landgrave of Hessen-Kassel. With the help of foreign states duchess Juliane managed to achieve a rapid withdrawal of the Hessian troops. Her 12 year period as regent is described as "extremely beneficial" for the state.


  Hertuginne Juliane av Schaumburg-Lippe
  Prinsesse Juliane av Hessen-Philippsthal, hertuginne av Schaumburg-Lippe, var regent i hertugdømmet fra 1787 til sin død i 1799, i sin sønn Georg Wilhelms mindreårighet. Samtidig var hun morganatisk gift med Clemens August friherre von Kaas, oberforstmeister ved hertugens hoff, og fødte med ham i hemmelighet (i hvert fall) to sønner som ble gitt det "utdødde" etternavnet "von Althaus" etter Clemens von Kaas' mormor .